2016 | What went on at Rocombe Retreat

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2016 | What went on at Rocombe Retreat

This summer seemed to go on and on, with long days of dry and sunny weather – even into the Autumn it stayed generally warm and dry which was perfect for the guests staying on site. Everybody really enjoyed their stay with quite a few people coming back for a second or even third stay in the same season. I have added some extra facilities this year with an extra toilet and shower block that is  nearer to the end yurt ,so much less distance to walk if you need them during the night . A big building project was

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2015 was our best Glamping Season!

2015 was by far the best year we’ve had in our short time providing glamping holidays on our farm here in south Devon. The great thing has been the feed back from people staying, saying how much they’ve enjoyed their time with us  and what a great position we are in being near the coast, not far from Dartmoor, and within easy reach of local towns and villages with so much going on .The other thing people comment on is that I’ve thought of everything when it comes down to the accommodation and facilities ! However I’m constantly trying to

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Early start on the Yurts

We began putting the yurts up in early April this year, it doesn’t seem long ago that I had taken them down in mid October, time just seems to fly! This year we are straight in the swing of things with loads more bookings this month than the previous 2 years, many of these have been via word of mouth and return stays, things are really taking off! We had a bit of a problem to start off the year with the ties that keep the window  flap down which had been ripped from the canvas. But the guys from

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How the glamping season ended for us in South Devon

After a long hot summer, with the glamping having gone really well, we once again had to dismantle the yurts and store them ready for the next season.  This doesn’t take long but there always seems to be rain on the horizon at that time of year , which leaves me franticly try to get the canvas inside before the next downpour (they don’t  store well if they are damp! ) Once they were safely packed away my thoughts this year  then turned to the fishing lakes. I had restocked with carp two years ago but to my surprise we

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