Tags: cows, farming, glamping, lambs
Early start on the Yurts
We began putting the yurts up in early April this year, it doesn’t seem long ago that I had taken them down in mid October, time just seems to fly! This year we are straight in the swing of things with loads more bookings this month than the previous 2 years, many of these have been via word of mouth and return stays, things are really taking off! We had a bit of a problem to start off the year with the ties that keep the window flap down which had been ripped from the canvas. But the guys from
Barley & Bikes around the lanes
I thought July was a busy month but we ended up fully booked through August with some very last minute bookings filling in the few gaps that we had. Everyone who stayed had a great time and we had a lot of good feed back. People find that our location is very central to all the local amenities. Most people couldn’t believe that you could be in Torquay in 10 minutes, yet be here in this valley amongst nature… We had our normal visit from the Canada Geese, beautiful and noisy! I am not sure if it was the olympic
Kingfishers, Otters and Eels, gone Cuckoo in Torquay??!
I have had an interesting month. There seems to be a lot of wild life around here at the moment. There’s all the bird life which seems to increase every year I heard the cuckoo earlier in the month which I haven’t heard for quite a while, but I suppose that’s bad news for another unsuspecting bird! I haven’t seen the Kingfishers for a while so I expect they’re nesting. One thing I have seen is Otters that have turned up at the ponds 3 times in the past few weeks. The second time I saw them was at about
Spring has Sprung
Hi, I am Peter, I farm Springfields farm and run Rocombe valley retreat. Nestling down here in Devon the Rocombe Valley is looking amazing this April the sun is shining some days without a cloud in the sky ,and its suprisingly warm for April as we are down under the wind. Spring is here at last after a cold and frosty winter and the wild flowers are out all over the farm , with some spectacular displays of daisys in some fields and primroses all around the hedgerows.Also, the hedges are white in many places with the hawthorn, blackthorn and cherry