Glamping Devon Style 2018 | Yurts & Things

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Glamping Devon Style 2018 | Yurts & Things

Glamping Devon Style 2018 | Yurts & Things

This is going to be a great year for us down at Rocombe Retreat. Our space has really bedded in well, and this season is promising to be the greatest so far. We are aiming to continue to strengthen our reputation as the best ‘secret’ spot for Glamping Devon Style! We want to also take this opportunity to thank our loyal regulars (and newbies) that come to stay over and over again – and recommend us to their friends, surely the best way to get new guests šŸ™‚ So onto the news. Despite the winter really being against us (#beastfromtheeast

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Start of the camping season on a South Devon farm

It is good to see the back of what has been a long and very wet season. The ewes and lambs have been munching their way through the stubble turnips all winter, and have come out the other end looking very good, considering the consistently wet weather that they have endured. I suppose it was quite warm all winter which has helped them out a little. On the 10th March I sold four lambs that weighed in very well at about 45kg each. I took them to Exeter Livestock Market, as they were holding a show and sale of new

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New Arrivals on the Devon Farm – not just Yurts, Lambs as well!

There have been some new arrivals on the farm recently, I had a ewe produce lambs very late out of sink with the rest but I had a nice surprise as she had a lovely set of triplets and all are doing well. Also the 3 pedigree South Devon heifers all calved successfully to the Aberdeen Angus bull one had a heifer calf and the other two had bull calves all againĀ  doing very well. We have been busy as usual, looking after the livestock. They have been eating their way through the hay and silage that we made in

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Rain rain go away, leave our campsite please!

Looking back over this blog, I always seem to be talking about the rain this year… but arenā€™t we all I suppose! It has to be said that this year I have never seen such heavy rain. On Wednesday 21st in the early hours, I was awoken by the sound of rain and went to theĀ  farm to check things were OK. The stream that runs through the farm was running at the highest I have ever seen it, luckily for us we don’t flood but just had to cope with the massive amount of runoff. Incredibly on Saturday 24th

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